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Брильянт коллекции.

Я как то писал о этих часах как цели. Итак, "святой Грааль" каждой приличной коллекции. Наручные часы выпускников Советских летных училищ. Первая модель. Выпускалась до 54того года, на 15 рубиновых камнях, но без противоударного устройства оси баланса. Настоящая военприемка. Качество равного которому больше нигде и никогда не было. Арретированная секундная стрелка.

И поскольку спрос в разы превышает предложение это - самые подделываемые часы СССР.

Специально скопировал с описание оригинального механизма. Дополнительное требование - чиcтая внутренняя сторона крышки хлопушки и еще пара мелочей )

Взято отсюда, большое спасибо

1: Jewel setting of the gear train. In contrast to the 15 jewel Pobeda, the jewel setting is different. They reside in recessed openings of the top plate. These recesses are needed because of the stop second mechanism which needs space and moves the top plate up. 2: Date code. There must be a date code on the movement. The code consists of one digit for the quarter of the year and 2 digits for the year. Since the watch was made between 1949 and 1954, expect here a value of 1-49 to 4-53. The serial number should be consisting of 5 digits. 3: Spring ratchet wheel. No text or symbols should be present on this wheel. It should be polished in a pattern presenting a shallow S. 4: 1st Moscow Watch Factory diamond Logo and 15 Jewels 5: U shaped spring stopping the balance wheel The watch has an hack second. When pulling the crown, this U-shaped spring is being pushed against the Balance wheel and stops the watch. (Only visible when crown is pulled) 6: Polished Moscow (Geneva) stripes The movement is nicely finished with polished stripes, like the Pobeda 15 jewel versions. The difference is that for the Shturmanskie’s movement the base plate is also been polished, which visible under the Balance wheel. There is no shock protection present. The Balance cock is also polished under the adjustment lever. 7: Crown The Shturmanskie has this pillow shaped crown. Dial of the watch:

8: Second Hand It should be Red coloured, with a “clover leaf”shaped end. 9: The Minute and Hour hand are luminous, but the frame of the hand should be Blue 10: There is no reference text to “made in the USSR” on the dial near the 6.

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